It’s a wonderful word, and I hope I will remember to use it
and—especially— think of it when it’s
appropriate. Here are four examples:
black licorice; analog watch; acoustic guitar, straight razor.
Given these examples, you probably can immediately ascertain
what retronym means. Let’s see if I can describe it: A retronym is a noun that now
requires a modifier to properly qualify its current definition, which—at one
time—needed no modifier to mean the exact same thing!
Wow—that’s convoluted. Take guitar, for instance.
Originally, all guitars were acoustic. Initially, if a guitar had power, people
described it as an “electric guitar.” In other words, people assumed acoustic
unless the word was modified with “electric.” Not anymore. We have to add the
descriptor “acoustic” to convey precise meaning.
Razor. In the old days, all razors were straight razors.
Then safety razors were invented. To describe the new-fangled razor with a
protected cutting edge, people had to say “safety” when describing it. But now everyone assumes “safety” so now we
say “straight” when we referring to the classic razor.
Have fun finding retronyms, and if you’re inclined, comment
on this blog post with the phrase you’ve found.