Monday, February 3, 2014

Super Bowl Fever, Pt. III

Needless to say, Seattlites are aglow in the thrill of our newest title: City of Super Bowl Champs. Now, instead of saying "Go Hawks!," perhaps we should say "Went Hawks!" Who would have thought . . .

And who would have thought Skittles could take the place of Cheerios as the "Breakfast of Champions"?

We had a few Skittles left over from Sunday's game-oriented gathering (I had purchased a bag in a pre-game show of support for Marshawn Lynch, and Pagliacci Pizza included a little bag in our pizza delivery box, as well), so I sprinkled them on my hot cereal this morning. M-m-m! My "Twelfth Man" treat was a yummy reminder of a lopsided game that was fantastic for us fans of the Seahawks.

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