Tuesday, August 14, 2018

New meaning of Shoe Tree

From a distance, it's just a log. Then, as you get closer you realize there are shoes on it. What? so many? And then it abruptly explodes as a  hilarious, delightful permanent  installation. Who did it? Its clever and anonymous creator devised it to the delight of shoreline walkers on the beach near Fay Bainbridge State Park on Bainbridge Island, Washington.

Was it someone in a private residence adjacent to the park? Was it a whimsically minded visitor who had seen so-o-o-o many shoes left behind on the beach? And don't we always leave them on a log when we wade in the calm waters of a summer shoreline? What a treat to enjoy a stranger's legacy of humor memorialized for beach visitors to chuckle over.

1 comment:

Bonnie said...

My Mom doesn’t like anything to go to waste. She’s the one that continues to nail shoes to that log. She also enjoys watching the beach walkers that see and often stop to take pictures. It’s all in good fun. Thanks for your cute blog post!