As one conversational topic led to another, we commented on a picture of the newly appointed president of our local university just published in the local newspaper. We wouldn’t have thought twice about the picture if a local TV channel hadn’t juxtaposed that same PR shot with its in-person interview of the new president. Live, he looked his age—sixty-one. The still photo made him appear about forty-five. We agreed about the importance of keeping publicity photos up-to-date.
Reflecting on these topics led me to thinking about the headshot on this blog, posted nearly three years ago. I realize I’d better refresh the picture so I’m not the subject of ridicule (“Who is she kidding,” I imagine my readers saying, “that picture’s gotta be at least ten years old.”) After my haircut in a few days, I’ll get serious about changing out the photo. And here’s the lowdown—the real dirt—on headshots of me: I am my own favorite photographer! I’m the person in my house who has enough patience to take enough shots until there's one I like. I use a mirror and then crop, crop, crop. Ah, the beauty of the digital age.
And that’s something I need to make sure I tell my kids before the time comes to scrounge for my obituary picture—the whereabouts of photographs on my computer.